Sunday, 21 April 2013

You think you're so street wise

 First of all sorry for not posting anything the past few days, kinda had a lot of school-work to do! Gotta love these times!
To the outfits: Yes! 
There are multiple outfits with just this one cut-off jumper from Harley Davidson!!
OMG i can't even begin to explain my reaction when i went to Urban Outfitters yesterday to actually buy another shirt which i saw online but somehow i ended up going to the Urban Renewal section of the Store and that's where i found this baby! There were so many too choose from but obviously i took this one because i just loved the print with ''Pacific'' on it. 
The print reminded me off when i was in Hawaii, Waikiki beach and i walked past the Harley Davidson shop in awe and then this gang of older men stopped at the traffic light and i thought that they looked so awesome!
Anyways enough reminiscing, here are 3 different outfits for different occasions:
1) Going out/ Concert in the Summer

 Jumper: Urban Outfitters
Cut-off Denim Shorts: Vintage
Shoes: Topshop
Bag: Longchamp
Accessoires:  2nd Hand, Vintage and Topshop

 2) School or Shopping Days

 Jumper: Urban Outfitters
Jeans:  Tally Weijl
Shoes:  Topshop
Trapeze Bag: Ebay
Sunglasses:  Old Ray Bans
Earrings: Vintage; Bracelets/ Cuffs: H&M
Lipstick: Astor 251 Red Orange, Nail-polish: KIKO, KE BI YA

 3) Chilling or a Day-to-Night outfit

 Jumper: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: Topshop
Jacket: Vintage & Rags, Cologne, Germany
Sunglasses: Vintage Volkswagen
Rings: Topshop (eye), H&M (owl)

That's all Folks....well for this week at least!
Hope you guys enjoy your Sunday and have a good start into the new week!

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